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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Alderson

Flashback Friday

In what feels like forever ago, I once made a small tour of Italy during the summer of '17, where me and my boyfriend at the time ventured from Lake Como, to Milan, Venice and lastly down south to Rome. This picture, which is one of my favourites from the holiday - I mean who doesn't just love sunsets - is taken from the Pontile Di Ostia, in Ostia, which is one of the nearby beaches "of Rome".

If you know me know me even just a little, you will know I am a lover of history, and I can't think of many places to better experience history than in Italy, from medieval Venice, renaissance Milan and ancient Rome, the country has wonders from all the ages. During this trip, some of my fondest memories are from sitting on the roof top of the Duomo di Milano, which offered great views across the skyline of Milan, and taking a ride in a Gondola in Venice, which we made the mistake of taking on the Grand Canal, and was a wobbly experience, both fun and scary at the same time. I would certainly recommend you take a Gondola on one of the smaller side canals ;) One of my favourite places in Rome was at the river bank of the Tiber, by the Ponte Sant'Angelo looking across to the Castel Sant'Angelo, pure heaven.

While writing this post, I was reminded of the classic Summer Of '69 by Bryan Adams, so as sharing is caring, here you go...

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