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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Alderson

Five Questions - part two

So here I go again, a little bit bored on a Sunday afternoon while my boyfriend is in the shower, and I thought it's the perfect time to answer some more questions, with a few shower related ones too 😅

Do you prefer to have a bath or take a shower?

I think that it really depends on my mood and the season. If it's winter time and I'm feeling worn out then I love to take a long deep bath with candles, lots of bubbles, maybe a glass of wine or a herbal tea, and enjoy reading a novel, but I would say that showers are my preference, and I really enjoy the water hot and spending a while standing and savouring the experience.

Do you sing in the shower?

Actually I almost always hum while I am in the shower, and if I am in positive spirits then I love to sing but usually not some pop song or anything, but I make up my own tune and random lyrics and keep my fingers crossed that my neighbours don't hear me. I wonder how many potentially amazing songs have been lost to time simply because I didn't write down the lyrics 🙄

Name something that you find frustrating?

What I find really frustrating is when you're with friends or family and there is a toxic person among you. If you call out the toxic person for their behaviour, suddenly you're the 'bad one' because that's just how that person is. This is something that I've encountered a few times, and it's almost a license for them to just be an arsehole.

What was the last show you binge watched?

So I will actually name a few because otherwise the question to too short. Currently I am binge watching 'The Originals' (a spin off of the Vampire Diaries) on 4, and I am on season 3 right now, so a while to go. Before this I watched a show called 'A storm for Christmas' on Netflix, which was a cute Norwegian series about some interconnecting stories based around being stuck in an airport the day before Christmas eve. Next I intend to bing Vikings Valhalla season 2.

If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?

I would haunt the rich and powerful as a poltergeist, tormenting them when they make decisions that hurt the vulnerable and poor or when they do things that further enrich their cronies.

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